Tuesday, July 28, 2009


July 25, 2009- In the early morning of Saturday, i was preparing myself to hang out wit naqibah n usrah members. i was really excited. our planning is to go to TS for bowling. unfortunetly it did not be like we are already planning.. it was really..really...really frustrated...when all that we have been planning does not work as we have plan. after we cannot to fulfill our intention for bowling, later we were choosing some place and having some discussion there. many types of question that i am asking to my usrah group especially to my naqibah. naqibah aswering all my questions with patience and wisdom way.. during lunch together wit naqibah n others, abah called. Abah asking where i am going..he worried. i said i am with my usrah group. he told me that he did not understand wat i am talking about. hmm i do not know how to explain it to him. sad. i pray in my heart that hopefully one day abah will know, and understand with what i am doing now.. showing me the right way of life yaa Allaah...Aamee..n

At that night, Yasmin and i conducting the program for college students. we are going to Masjid Wilayah, KL for Forum Bicara Ad-Deen organised by Institut Kefahaman Islam Malaysia. when we arrived there, there were many of students coming from many IPTA n IPTS to gain Allah's knowledge...many type of people that i met there. such as white turban male students, robe female students, uncle, aunty, grandpa, grandma.. and many more.. the forum is all about Isra' Mikraj and how it is really important for todays ummah..besides that, the penalist that have been invited for that program are Ustaz Roslan, Ustaz Zamri and last but not least Prof.Yusuf (one of Malaysian scientist) . they are explaning about the importance,concequences,lessons of Isra' wa Mikraj.. i am a bit frustrated at that night because i cannot give full attention during their talk. my mind was every where.. only at half of the talk, then i am realize that i am not giving an attention towards it. when i realized that i am starting istighfar promising to myself that it would not be the same thing.. again..and again next time... especially during at majliz ilmu.. -_-

July 26, 2009- Come to rotate the job as a head of taaruf new intake again. in sunday morning, i came late for duty. many things that need to be done during the morning before opening registration for new comers to iic. since last week, i had already gave the responsibility to representative of two club that incharged on the day of taaruf to choose the committees that going to help src to handle the new intake. unfortunetly, only one out of ten come during the day of taaruf intake. i am doing all the committees job alone. going up at level 3 to take all such things for taaruf intake and going down to the great hall..the place where the taaruf intake was..again..to arrange the taaruf file and paste the signage... deep in my heart wanted to screem already.. still can be patience with what happen... luckily Sir Zaki lend his hand..and same goes with other lecturers who were kind and tend to give their help..praise to Allah.. it is such terrible intake that already happen in my life.. hopefully for future intake the committees are more responsible and committed towards their job given and also reminder to the leader who is playing fool with time!

~~~~~<~~~~<~~~~~<@ : Moving writing

Monday, July 27, 2009


The noble one, son of a noble one, son of a noble one, as was related by Ibn Umar in Saheeh Bukhaaree, was Yusuf (Alayhis Salaam). About whom Allaah sent down a long Soorah relating his noble life to us, and its stages, from his childhood to his death, and how his circumctances changed, and the difficulties that he faced, and how he faced everything with the strength of Prophethood and his patient perserverance, wisdom and mildness.

Yusuf (Alayhis Salaam) saw the corrupt outlook of the Pharaohs in Egypt and their oppression, and he knew the beliefs of the nation amongst whom he lived. He knew the corruption of their beliefs and their idolatry, which led them to take Idols and cattle as gods to worship besides Allaah. The story of this noble Prophet (Alayhis Salaam) is long, and from it, we will examine the story of his imprisonment and his da'wah at that time. Allaah says:

And two young men entered the prison along with him. One of them said: 'I saw in a dream that I was pressing grapes,' and the other one said: 'I saw in a dream that I was carrying bread upon my head and birds were eating from it.' 'Inform us of the interpretation for indeed we see that you are one of the doers of good.'He said:
'No food will come to you except that I will inform you about it fully before it comes to you. This is from the knowledge, which my lord has taught me, as I have remained free of the religion of a people who do not believe in the oneness of Allah and who are disbelievers in the hereafter. Rather I follow the religion of my fathers, Ibraheem, Ishaaq and Ya'qoob (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). It is not fitting that we should worship anything else along with Allaah. This is from Allaahs favour upon us and upon the people, yet most of the people do not give thanks for Allaah's favours. O my two companions in the prison, is it better that you worship mant different Lords, or that you worship only Allaah, the One, who subdues and has full power over everything? You do not worship besides Allaah except idols which you call gods, which you and your forefathers give names to, for which Allaah has sent down no authority. Authority is for Allaah alone. He ordered that you worship none but him, that is the straight and true religion, yet most of the people do not know. -(Soorah Yusuf 12: 36-40)

This noble prophet (Alayhis Salaam) lived in their palaces and was therefore well aware of the corruption of their administration and their rulers. He experienced at first hand their plots, their oppression, their unjust persecution and imprisonment by them. Furthermore, he lived amongst an idolatrous nation who worshipped idols, cattle and stars. So where was correction to begin? What was the starting point?

Did he begin calling to Allaah, whilst he was wrongfully imprisoned along with others who were oppresed like him, by inciting them and rousing them against the despotic and tyrant rulers? This would be without a doubt a political response, and was an oppurtunity open to him. Or did he begin his call from the starting point adopted by his noble forefathers, and at the head of them Ibraheem (Alayhis Salaam), the chosen and beloved friend of Allaah, and the Imaam of the call to Tawheed ; which was the starting point for all the Messengers of Allaah? There is no doubt that the single way of correction and rectification in every time and place is the way of calling to correct 'aqeedah and tawheed and that all worship should be made purely and sincerely for Allaah alone.

Therefore Yusuf (Alayhis Salaam) began from this starting point, following his noble fathers, proud of their 'aqeedah, and deriding and exposing the foolishness of the idolaters and their practice of taking idols, cattle and stars as lords to be worshipped besides Allaah.
So after clearly explaining this, and openly calling to tawheed and to rejection of shirk, he emphasized his call and his argument by saying:

Authority and command is for Allaah alone. (surah Yusef 12:40)

Then he explained this authority and command to mean the tawheed of Allah, and he alone is to be worshipped:

...that is the straight and true religion, yet most of the people do not know (and are people of ).
-(surah Yusef 12:40)

Also, Yusuf (Alayhis Salaam) attained the highest position in this state whilst calling to the tawheed of Allaah and establishing the clear proofs for his call and his prophethood. Allaah, the most high, says, in explaination of this:

The king of Egypt said: 'Bring him to me, I will make him my personal servant.' So when he spoke to Yusuf, he said: 'Verily, this day you have with us a position of rank and full trust.' He said: 'Place me in charge of the storehouses and wealth of the land, indeed I will guard then faithfully and with full knowledge.' -(soorah Yusuf 12:54-55)

And he said, giving thanks to his Lord and protector:

'O my Lord, you have bestowed upon me something of dominion and have taught me the interpretation of dreams. O Originator and Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, you are my Lord and Protector in this world and the hereafter. Cause me to die as a Muslim and join me with the righteous.' -(soorah Yusuf 12:101)

Furthermore Allah says in explanation of his da'wah, upon the tongue of the believer from the family of Pharaoh:And Yusuf came to you previously (before Moosa) with clear signs yet you have not ceased doubting about what he came to you with. Until when he died you said: 'Allaah will not send any messenger after him.' This is the state of those whom Allah leads astray, those who are disbelievers in him and doubt the truthfulness of the messengers.'
-(surah Ghaafir 40:34)

So from the knowledge to be learned from the life story of Yusuf (Alayhis Salaam) which is presented to us in these noble ayaat is that the call to tawheed is something very essential. Furthermore, there is to be no leniency or relaxation in fighting against shirk, it is not permissible to keep silent about it, whatever the circumstances of the caller to Allah; rather it is not permissible for any Muslim to ever accept it or be relaxed about it. So this shows the high station of 'aqeedah, and its importance with Allah, and with the Prophets and his Messenger. It also shows the very great difference and the distance between it and the details of Islaam.It is not permissible for the Muslim, particularly the caller, to take up any position which violates his 'aqeedah or is contrary to it, or that he is a fortune-teller, those that are mushriks, or that he is a custodian of their idols. If he does any of this then he is one of the misguided mushriks. With regard to the legislative aspect, if the Islaamic state is established, it must apply the Sharee'ah of Allaah, otherwise:And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed then they are the ones guilty of infidelity (kufr). -(surah al-Maa'idah 5:44)

The unbelief (kufr) here is explained in detail by the scholars of Islaam, from the Companions, and others, that it may be major kufr, when the person disdains the Sharee'ah of Allaah and declares it lawful to judge by something else. And it may be lesser kufr (i.e. that which does not take a person out of Islam) when he does not declare it lawful to judge by other than it, but gives in to his desires and because of that judges by other than what Allaah sent down.However, when the Islaamic state has not been established, then Allaah does not burden a soul with more than it is capable of. So the Muslim may take up a position in a non-muslim state with the condition that he established justice, and that he does not judge by other than what Allah sent down. This was what the Prophet of Allaah, Yusuf, did. He took up a position as a deputy for an unbelieving king, and he did not judge according to his laws:
He could not have taken and kept his brother according to the king's law. -(soorah Yusuf 12:76)

Furthermore, he established justice between the subjects and called them to the tawheed of Allaah. So this contains a decisive reply to those who give little importance to the 'aqeedah of tawheed. Those who gloss over and accomodate when it comes to the shirk which has filled the world, and they regard the callers to tawheed and the enemies of shirk with comtempt and scorn. They turn up their noses and are too proud to 'lower' themselves to the level of the callers to tawheed, and they are very wily and astute concerning political affairs, but nothing is more burdensome and disagreeable to their hearing and their hearts than listening to or saying a word regarding tawheed or shirk. These types of callers have caused themselves to fall into a deep abyss, while they think that they have reached the highest peaks. Can a people ever prosper whose stance with regard to the call of the Prophets is like this, unless they sincerely repent to Allaah from what they are upon?

written by: Shaykh al-Madkhalee


Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Tahukah anda bahawa Facebook telah berjaya mengaut keuntungan sebanyak USD300 juta pada tahun 2008? Ini tidak menghairankan kerana ia disokong oleh 140 juta pengguna aktif di seluruh dunia dan sejumlah 8.5 juta foto dimuat turun setiap hari.. Tahukah anda bahawa pengasas Facebook , iaitu Mark Zuckerberg dilahirkan dalam sebuah keluarga Yahudi-Amerika dan dibesarkan di Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County, New York ? Tahukah anda bahawa Mark Zuckerberg semasa menuntut di Universiti Harvard telah menggodam laman sesawang universiti untuk mendapatkan profail peribadi para pelajar tanpa kebenaran mereka? Maka, adakah jaminan terhadap profail peribadi para pelanggan Facebook tatkala kini beliau adalah merupakan CEO-nya? Tahukah anda bahawa Majalah Time telah mengiktiraf Zuckerberg dalam ranking ke 52 daripada 101 tokoh sebagai antara 'tokoh paling berpengaruh dunia 2008?iaitu sebaris dengan nama besar Barrack Obama dan Dalai Lama? Tahukah anda bahawa majalah Forbes Top400 telah menyenaraikan Mark Zuckerberg sebagai individu ke-321 terkaya Amerika daripada 400 individu lain pada 2008? Namun apa yang lebih penting, Zuckerberg merupakan individu termuda pernah disenaraikan Forbes, ketika usianya baru mencecah 24 tahun dengan kekayaan peribadi sebanyak USD1.5 billion. Tahukah anda bahawa Mark Zuckerberg, CEO Facebook adalah merupakan seorang ahli aktif kepada sebuah pertubuhan persaudaraan Yahudi Amerika Utara, Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity (AEPi) ?

Info tentang AEPi:

1) Diasaskan untuk membantu lelaki Yahudi mencari pasangan Yahudinya.

2) Ia juga bertujuan untuk mengekal dan menguatkan hubungan sesama Yahudi diperingkat sekolah tinggi dan di bidang pekerjaan nanti...

3) Mengekalkan idealisme Yahudi supaya terjaga di sudut nilai, etika, dan menyiapkan peserta untuk menjadi pemimpin negara dan organisasi Yahudi pada masa depan dan dalam pelbagai lapangan bidang profesional.

4) Mark Zuckerberg termasuk dalam senarai alumni AEPi yang masyhur namanya .

5)AEPi berkait secara langsung dengan Israel melalui Ikatan Inisiatif Israel.

6) AEPi sangat berkait rapat dengan kebanyakan pertubuhan Yahudi/Zionis antarabangsa seperti AIPAC , Hillel , Israel on Campus Coalition , Aish HaTorah , Chabad on Campus , Hasbara Fellowships , B'inai Brith International , Shaare Zedek , Chai Lifeline , Holocaust Museum , dan Gift of Life . Dan tahukah anda bahawa keuntungan Facebook datang daripada iklan-iklan yang dipapar. Semakin banyak pengguna dan pengunjung Facebook , maka semakin banyak pulalah keuntungannya. Pergi ke manakah pula semua keuntungan tersebut? Persoalan paling besar di sini ialah, adakah keuntungan besar yang diperolehi oleh Facebook turut digunakan untuk membiayai dana perang Israel menentang umat Islam di Gaza, Palestin dan umat Islam di seluruh dunia?

P/s: Marilah kita beramai-ramai tinggalkan Facebook demi AGAMA ISLAM kita ...... BOIKOT apa sahaja keluaran Yahudi..... Jgn kerana nak berseronok .... kita rela melihat darah saudara ISLAM kita di Palestin mengalir tanpa pembelaan.... Ingat...walau sekecil zarah dosa yang kita sumbangkan akan tetap di nilai di AKHIRAT kelak.... Dulu tak tau.... lain citer....sekarang suma dah tau..... jgn buat buat tak tau pulak.....Ingat...kita suma akan tinggalkan dunia ini satu ari nanti dan akan berhadapan dengan hari PEMBALASAN...... MAri kita sama sama berjihad ke jalan ALLAH.... walau sekecil mana jihad kita...ALLAH yang akan membalasnya...... Amin......!!!!!!!

~Kutipan email dari sahabat

Monday, July 13, 2009

Object of Despair

Emma is a lawyer and so is Aisha too. Those colleagues going into court at circa half past two. Its 1 O'clock right now. They grab a bite before the trial.

They chat about this and that. Conversing with a smile. Aisha is in full hijab with a loose all over suit. Emma's in her business wear with accessories taboot. Emma's really quite bemused at Aisha's godly ways. She looks Aisha in the eyes and very firmly says,

''You're a smart girl Aisha Why do you wear that across your hair? Subjugated by "man"- kind of like an object of despair! Take it off, my sister... Let your banner be unfurled. Don't blindly follow all around. DECLARE YOUR FREEDOM TO THE WORLD.

"Aisha is amazed. But not the least bit shy. She bravely puts her milk shake down and gives Emma the reply,

"My dear sister Emma, Why do you dress the way you do? The skirt you're wearing round your waist, is it really you? Now that we've sat down, I see you tug it across your thighs, don't you feel ashamed? Aware of prying eyes? I see the way you're sitting, Both legs joined at the knees, who forces you to sit like that? Do you feel at ease? I'll tell you who obliges you to dress the way you do. They are Gucci, Klein and St. Laurent, etc... All have designs on you! In the main, its men my friend who dictate the whims of fashion, generating all the garb to incite the basest passion. It is "Sex Sells" and there is no doubt, But who buys with such great haste? The answer is the likes of you, because they want to be embraced. They want to be accepted. On a level playing field, sure with brain and intellect but with body parts revealed.

Intelligence and reason are useful by and by but if you want to make a mark, stay appealing to the eye, you claim your skirt is office like a business dress of sorts. Would we not laugh at Tony Blair if he turned up in shorts? His could be the poshest pants Pinstripe from Saville Rowe but walking round like that my friend. He'd really have to go. Why do you douse yourself with creams to make your skin so milky? Why do rip off all your hair to keep your body silky? A simple shower's all you need to stay respectable and clean.

The time and money that you spend is really quite obscene. Why do you wake up at dawn to apply a firm foundation, topped with make up and the like in one chaotic combination? And if you should have to leave the house, devoid of this routine! Why do you feel so insecure? That you should not be seen? Be free my sister Emma. Escape from your deep mire.

Do hijab today, my friend and all Islam's attire. Avoid all those sickly stares or whistles from afar. Walk down the street with dignity. Take pride in who you are. Strength lies in anonymity. Be a shadow in the crowd until you speak and interact when your voice will carry loud. You're a smart girl, Emma. Wear this across your hair. Don't be subjugated by "man"- kind of an object of despair to use your very words my friend."

Let your banner be unfurled. Don't blindly follow all around.


Written by : -dhia sumayyah


Monday, July 6, 2009

One Turning Point


Kehidupan di dunia ibarat sebuah madrasah pengajian, segala ilmu diajar untuk memberi peluang kepada manusia bagi melengkapkan perbendaharaan ilmu masing-masing. Allah SWT menyediakan tenaga pengajar yang cukup mahir terdiri daripada para anbiya dan juga rasul a.s dan kemudiannya di sambung pula tugas mulia itu oleh para ulama sehingga kiamat.

Justeru Tuhan telah melengkapkan segala keperluan untuk manusia melepaskan diri dari kejahilan, sehingga tidak seorang pun di dataran Mashyar kelak boleh berdalih untuk menyatakan bahawa tidak ada kemudahan untuk menimba ilmu, dan tidak mungkin dapat menafikan bahawa para rasul telah melaksanakan tugasnya dengan sempurna, kerana setiap rasul itu memiliki sifat tabligh yakni menyampaikan setiap wahyu yang dikurniakan oleh Allah SWT. Para rasul sudah menyediakan garis panduan yang selengkapnya, dan menunjukkan jalan-jalan lurus dan selamat yang mesti di lalui oleh manusia. Setelah dibentangkan dihadapan mereka jalan yg lurus, para rasul juga memberikan beberapa amaran adanya bahaya jalan yang berliku dan bersimpang-siur itu agar manusia waspada kerana jalan yg bersimpang-siur itu boleh menyebabkan manusia tersesat jalan.

Firman Allah SWT di dalam surah al-An’aam ayat 153 yang bermaksud;

“Dan bahawa inilah jalan-Ku yang lurus, maka ikutilah dia dan janganlah kamu tempuhi jalan yang lain, kerana jalan yang bersimpang-siur itu akan mencerai-beraikan (menyesatkan) kamu dari jalan–Nya. Yang demikian itu diperintahkan Allah kepadamu agar kamu bertaqwa.”

-(al-An’aam :153)


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Puisi Hati

Tidak keliru
Tinggal sahaja semangat yang keluh
Enggan bangkit dari mimpi yang sendu

Wahai hati…
Tenanglah wahai kekasihku..
Biarkan manusiawi dengan gemalai tarinya..
Asalkan kamu terus menuju Ilahi..

Kamu sedih atau rindu
Kamu sakit atau pedih
bergelora meniti hidup fana dunia
Bepautlah pada cinta hakiki

Wahai diri…
Wahai diri….
Wahai diri…
Kasihanilah hati..
Jangan biar ia menangis lagi..

Segala dosa noda…
Bangkit dari mimpi lena…
Kerana kamu hanyalah hamba
Yang tiada harga
Melainkan taqwa

Oh… Takabur….
Pergi celaka bersama syaitan iblis..

Wahai hati..
Oh hati…

Gelap kelam…
Hinalah para manusiawi..
Hanya kerana tidak…
Menjaga hati!

Karya sahabat : Nur Lukman
